29 May 2012


At the start of second year computer science, we were taught the concept of image stitching. There’s a lot of complicated maths involved, but it was understandable, and more importantly, interesting. Turns out my lecturer had previously contributed to the panorama stitching feature in Windows Live Photo Gallery. He’s even got an app!

Anyway, before I had those lectures, I was still using the tool to stitch photos together. When I went to Venice with the 6th form in 2010, I took a burst of photos from the top of a tower overlooking most of the city.

22 May 2012

Further minor observations

7 weeks after the operation

I woke up one morning, after yet another night with the elastics in. On biting together, it felt like the elastics have pulled some of the teeth up too far. Now they are the only firm contact point. I’m no orthodontist, but I reckon if I keep that band in for the 2 months until my next appointment, they’re going to do more damage than good. So for a few days I’ve decided not to wear the band on my left side, in order to let the right side catch up.

17 May 2012

Spontaneous Music: Ben Howard

A few months ago, a couple of my friends said I should have a listen to Ben Howard’s music. I don’t know why I didn’t have a listen at the time, but that’s not important right now.

Anyway, Ben Howard was on Radio 1’s Live Lounge last week.

15 May 2012

I’ve ‘officially’ recovered! (and jaw post #10)

6 weeks after the operation

I didn’t realise at the time, but yesterday was 6 weeks after my operation – the official time the doctors said it would take my bones to recover. Also, yesterday was the first day I had real pizza (I say ‘real’ because the cheesy bread that was Adel’s takeaway which I had last Wednesday doesn’t count).

13 May 2012

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words

Another thing I want to write about is that of some of my photos. Sometimes a photo isn't fully justified by just a single line description on Facebook. Each photo has a story, as yet untold. Now, I'm not aiming to write a thousand words about every photo I put up here (that would just be silly), but a paragraph, or two, or three – more than I would normally write on Facebook.

08 May 2012

No more milkshake :(

5 weeks after the operation

That’s it. I’m all out. But hey, at least I’m eating normal food now, so I don’t need them anyway.

I found a website where I could buy them, but at £3 each I think now might be a good time to kick the habit and go cold turkey instead.